April 7th 2022 – Cosmic Gaia with Laura Eisenhower: Astrological Update


  1. Thank you Laura for everything you do!!! I value your perspective and work greatly!! I’ve been a devoted follower of your content for over 5 years. I’m grateful for this platform and your presence here! 🙏🏼

  2. I like that, I have serious doubts on the narrative that all good things will only happen when Trump comes back flying on the wings of angels, Dr. Shiva understands Trump better than anyone else. I still like to believes that ever evasive, ever invisible, ever secretive white hats will rescue us from the medical mafia, Is it a myth or white hats are in bed with black hats, laughing at us?

  3. That was an awesome chat. Believe it, your G.Grandfather was a good man. He would be so proud of you and the work that you are doing. Thanks for not leaving us for Mars lol it would have got boring anyway. Please look after yourself on your travels much love from a kiwi living in Melbourne ❤️

  4. Laura, I love you and your commitment to sharing the truth, light, and love with the rest of us. I’m happy to be a CV subscriber, which is how I found you in the first place. Cool, huh?

  5. Love the info. Trump is rotten to the core; a serial rapist and murderer. Yes, he’s created to be such because the dark must be exposed. The messing with every beautiful truth is real. The Love is highest and must be embraced without naiveity.

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