Nutrition points 11 18 2020

Hello, my name is Tony Sivalelli, I want to take the time and use some of my many years of acumulative data about nutrition to share with the CV community (this has come from esoteric research, many years as a personal trainer and taking leading supplement co. courses as a nutrition counselor in the health food/supplement industry).  BTW, I have also been trained in, participated and instructed Scientific Remote Viewing along with being a UFO researcher, an amateur physics sleuth and the author of the book Ambassadors to the Stars, (Sarge Publishing, 2011).

You all have no doubt been versed on several things that can be of benefit to your immune system.  Here I simply want to remind you of some of them once again and perhaps give you a tid bit that may even be new to you as we navigate through what can be some challenging 3D times.

I wish to state of course to never take anyone’s word alone and always do your own research.  If you are not sure please check with your health care practitioner before starting any new nutrition/supplement program.

First, some of the basics which include quality eating from proper food sources, eg. the three large macronutrients, are carbohydrates (CHO), fats and protein.  Good CHO sources include soluble fiber foods such as oatmeal, beans, nuts and fruits (eg. apples, berries, citrus, etc.)  As a reminder soluble fiber is easily broken down into a gel-like substance in the part of the gut known as the colon.  This allows toxins to be absorbed (then excreted) and prebiotics to be made (which feed probiotics).  Also some foods that contain insoluble fiber are needed ex potatoes (approx 75%), many greens, some beans, etc. Insoluble fiber can be imagined as roughage scraping against the intestinal wall removing debris. Carrying around toxins in ones system is never a good thing.

Second, quality fat choices.  Good Omega 3’s include fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil.  These fats help with circulation, reducing inflammation, brain maintenance and more.  Moderate Omega 6 choices can be used and they come from nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy and meat.  Many Omega 6 foods are high in protein but are also high in saturated fats.  The average diet in the U.S. contains approx a 10+ to 1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3’s.  A diet too rich in Omega 6 fatty acids has been shown to increase levels of inflammation in the body which is a precursor to much dis-ease (easily looked up for references).  A more sound and healthy ratio of Omega 6 to 3 is two to one.

The third major macronutrient is protein.  Your protein is comprised of approx 20 amino acids (AA) which build and maintain muscle tissue and organs.  Eight amino acids are essential meaning we must get them from food.  Three of those eight are directly related to muscle construction, they are leucine, isoleucine and valine.  Best choices of quality protein are eggs, chicken and turkey (breast), fish, lean cuts of meat, dairy, nuts, seeds and protein powders (both whey, which is mainly from the liquid part of cottage cheese and plant sources are good).  Beans and rice should be combined to complete the essential AA profile.

Now, onto immunity.  One of the first things for a strong immune system is proper rest.  Each person should have an idea of how much sleep they need.  For some it is 6 hours and others 8 or more.  There are also different times your body may need more or less sleep.  Listen to your body and never underestimate how important ‘quality’ sleep is.  It is then that a lot of the repairing of the body takes place.

I will go over briefly six nutrients that can help one’s immune system,  Vitamin C is one.  If you heard     Dr. Victor  Marcial-Vega’s webinar on Thursday Nov. 12th you have an idea of that (see ref below). Vitamin C is water soluble.  This means most excess is excreted out by the body.  Vitamin C supplements are best taken with food.

Vitamin D3 has been underestimated until more recent times.  Now that the levels are often checked with blood work it has become more obvious how many people are lacking D3.  A good amount is anywhere from 400 to 5,000 international units (I.U.s) a day.  There is a reason why sitting in the sun for a few minutes can be so refreshing.  Just five minutes of sun rays, even through a glass window (just face and hands), can allow one to produce 3-5,000 I.U.s!  Vitamin D3 is fat soluble (meaning the body can store it) and is best taken with food that does contain a little bit of fat.  There are many references that claim a lack of Vitamin D3 can be negative to one’s immunity.

The mineral zinc is mainly known for aiding in the digestion of protein, enzyme reactions, wound healing, prostate stability and to help with smell and taste.  However, immunity is another area where zinc excels. Zinc interacts with a protein process that is vital in the fight against infection and by doing so helps balance the immune response by negating an overreaction, therefore helping with inflammation. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc.  If using a supplement 10 to 30mg a day should work for most.  Taking it with food is recommended and it can be combined with Vitamin C.  A published report has also stated that the combination can help reduce the severity of bacterial ailment.

Now onto two herbs, the first is oregano oil (carvacrol).  This has long been a stable in mid eastern and European diets, it can technically be considered of the peppermint family.  Oregano oil has shown strong proficiencies against a number of bacteria including that of candida (yeast) and other MDR (multi drug resistant) clinical isolates – see ref. below).  It is best taken with food, in moderation, and is most effective at early signs of suppressed immunity.  When stated P73, this simply means polyphenol 73 and is a specific blend of several high-grade wild oreganos.  Do not internally ingest oregano ‘essential’ oil.  Some people are allergic to oregano and if this is the case, as with any herb, make sure it is avoided.

Elderberry (aka Sambucus) is the second herb.  It is one product that can be consumed in a variety of ways.  Elderberries are high in flavonoids called anthocyanins, which give the berries their bluish-purple color.  These flavonoids have antioxidant properties that are a major reason for health benefits.  I have personally heard from several parents how much either elderberry syrup or gummies have helped with their children’s immunity.                                                                                                                                                        (note: two other herbs worth mentioning for adults are Echinacea and Goldenseal root.)  

It may also be wise to cycle the use of various herbal immune boosters eg. four to six weeks of one and then the same duration of another and then back to the initial product.  One idea is to only use elderberry during a particular season.  The strategy here is that your body will have less chance to build a type of tolerance that can sometimes render the herb less effective over time.

Lastly to mention here is probiotics.  There are many on the market so I am not here to talk about any specific brands.  We may only be scratching the surface with our current data about probiotics as there are numerous strains and we are still learning.  Briefly, when using a probiotic you are putting good bacteria back into your gut.  We can lose the good bacteria to aggressive bad bacteria if one overindulges in sugar laden products (which feed bad bacteria) or simply if one is not consuming enough good foods to help produce good bacteria eg. kefir, yogurt and other fermented foods.  Keep in mind we do need what is considered small amounts of bad bacteria in our system as this allows for an immunity build up.  Another way we lose good bacteria is by consuming an antibiotic (note: remember pro-biotic is pro-life and anti-biotic is anti-life).  The antibiotic kills both the good and bad bacteria in one’s gut and although this will initially help one get better,  it may then leave the bodily system more vulnerable to the more aggressive strains of bad bacteria and dis-ease opportunities may become more enhanced. Using a probiotic after use of antibiotics is a good idea.

When is the best time to take a probiotic?  I have heard by many that either first thing in the morning and/or perhaps even better the last thing at night.  Your gut is VERY important for your immune system. There is also that old saying, and it goes like this ‘approx 70% of one’s immunity is in one’s gut.’

In the future I, as many, hope to see an even more individualistic approach to health care, we are slowly getting there.  There are generalizations across the board but each person is also genetically unique.  One day it may be more like Star Trek in that we take a blood sample (and/or small particular biopsy) and find out here is what you need to add to your program, here to subtract, here is your genetic disposition and here is your suggested action for the next 30 days!

To close I am sure many of you already knew much of what was just stated – but if it helped as a reminder and/or if you picked up just one new piece of data – then I am glad to have helped the CV community.  I am a firm believer that good health and evolving consciousness go hand in hand.


Tony Sivalelli

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